helo and Juan Luis got baptized this week!
Wow what an experience! I baptized them both as Elder Villanueva had
the opportunity to confirm them both. WOW theyre so great! People talked
a lot about the fact that missionaries find those Golden investigators
who are just ready to change their lifes, and they were two of them that
were just ready to go. They´ve become two of my best friends, I am so
glad they had the opportunity to come closer to Christ. (yes mom, chelo
is haitian but he was born here and speaks spanish way better than
creole. and juan luis is dominican). But juan luis moved the sunday after church... MAN! He was going to help out a lot here, but he is going to help in the ward he lives in now.
In church we had Ambioris, Wilson, Brittani, a man named
Leonardo (picture) and this really nice lady named Ignacia and her
husband Miguel! The Lord has really put some prepared people in our way.
The only thing holding Ambioris back from being baptized is that his
wife doesnt want to get married. Hes 48 and shes 25, but hes such a good
guy! JUST DO IT! ITS THE RIGHT THING TO DO!! Leonardo came then on monday
we had a lesson with him that just really was rather weird... creepy
and sketchy. I dont think we are going back. For a more detailed story
on that, youll have to wait. Ignacia is a rather poor lady who just has
great faith. She has 9 kids, and she wants to change and help her kids
grow in the gospel. The only thing is that shes not too sure if her
husband, miguel, wants to get married. BUT WE PRAY FOR MIRACLES.
I have been really tested in my pride at times, and have
learned that I have a lot to learn in my patience. I need to understand
more of where others are coming from. I have a vision and I want to do
it! But at times people on the sides are more important than whats ahead
of me at the moment. The Good Samaritan had a good excuse to keep going
forward but paused to help someone in need. I need to get better at
that. I need to be more patient. I see in my studies that that is one
great example of Christ, the patience. People fall, and we are here to
help them back up.
I love reading about Alma and Amulek in the Book of Mormon, what great missionaries they were. They had it clicking!
Is there yuca out there? its a root food that is really popular out here.
love you all, thanks for the prayers!
Elder Dallin
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Through the fire and the flames- January 22, 2014
Heres the answers to the questions you had mom!
1. we still do
English class! Not so much people come, but it is all good because I
feel like the weak ones got filtered out from my hard core style of
teaching HAHA just kidding, its good though. like 8 to 10 come, all
2. We have a baptism this saturday
of Chelo and Juan Luis! They are such studs, they are working so so so
hard to succeed and come closer to Christ, it is amazing. Chelo went to a
young single adult activity with diego, miguel, and Nene and he had a
lot of fun. But he kept saying ¨todavia me falta murphy!¨ which means
that its all good there, but wheres his boy Elder Murphy? HAHA i love
that guy.
3. Elder Rincon´s dad did die, which was hard. But he went home for
2 days, and was able to do some good work out there. He gave a pamphlet
and a book of mormon to his Uncle and now his uncle is baptised. Its
really amazing, I talked to him and he said it was hard but he is glad
to be out here and just loves the work. hes a good example to me.
But yeah, its been an AWESOME week. We had 76 PEOPLE
IN CHURCH!!! HOW GREAT IS THAT??? I have never been so grinny in my
life. It was the most ever seen in Villa Gonzalez. We had 7
investigators, Chelo, Juan Luis, Ambioris, Nene´s friend Carlito, and
the children of Rosi, brian, wilson and Brittani. WOW! And 4 less active
members who we work with too! AHH I WAS SO HAPPY it was so fun! Really I
love it. Nene was saying ¨murphy this is your hard work!¨ which I would
like to agree with but really its all just the blessings the Lord sees
fit to give me.
Mom, I know you said that you would like to come
back to visit with me someday. I made the promise to Miguel and Nene
that I wouldnt come back and visit until they returned from their
missions. I hope youre okay with that, they leave soon and I wouldnt
want to come back without seeing them. Theyre going to be awesome
missionaries, nene goes out with us literally whenever we ask, which is
like 3 or 4 days of the week. He always says ¨the biggest rule to the
smallest, I am going to keep them. And if my companion doesnt agree, we
are going to have problems¨ hes going to be THE MAN out there.
But yeah, its been a real special time here. We are
helping people out and I feel so much like a servant of my Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ. My life is this work, and I wouldnt change it for
anything. I want so bad to help these people! They are so great. I have
never been so happy, and it is a little sad to think that I am already a
fourth of the way done. i have to use my time wisely!
Love you all, thanks for your prayers.
Elder Murphy
I remembered it was Mallory Mortensen´s bday on the 20th, I hope shes
finishing up these papers because THIS ARMY OF 80000 MISSIONARIES NEEDS
Another week of the good life- January 15, 2014
HAHA I never knew you were so funny at home, reading all
the emails I get just makes me realize that maybe I should have given
you all more credit for your sense of humor.
It was a pretty regular week, nothing too crazy happened. The work is pretty similar every day, but I love it!
But yeah, we really are just living life and
loving our time here in Villa Gonzalez. I have to really work hard and
keep at it, and as it says in Preach My Gospel, Diligence is to work
hard, especially when youre tired and not too excited. i have realized
really a few things in personal study, but especially the words of Jacob
in Jacob 1:19,
which talks about how if we don't work hard enough, the blood of the
sins of others stain OUR garments in the last day. If we don't do all we
can in our short time here, we are just bringing more condemnation upon
ourselves. (Moroni 9:6) But it really is the funnest time of my life
and I have never really enjoyed 6 months so quickly. Oh yeah, happy 6
I´ll start with the questions my mom asked:
How is your branch doing? - Man its great. We are just seeing a lot of
help from a lot of members. We had about 60 people in sacrament meeting
last week, 5 less actives and 4 investigators. People are stoked about
the gospel! I sometimes act here as Elders Quorum President, and
sometimes as Branch President because people just dont finish their job
at times here. but we work hard and we do well! Nene and Miguel are
almost done with their papers, and it is just a good way to see things
go. One thing though about Villa Gonzalez is at times people dont see
the importance of fidelity, and it really kills the spirit at times. But
why do we fall? to learn to pick ourselves back up.
2. Investigators?- Chelo and Juan Luis have
baptismal dates for next saturday, and it all looks pretty good. We are
hoping that the Lord provides, but really it is too great. We are
setting a lot of baptismal dates on people, and we are seeing a good
response! People want to make the covenants with the Lord, and that is
just an inspired way to help them with that.
Zone Conferences? we have them every other transfer, and I am
pretty sure I have told you about them! But our zone was split, and now
it is just 16 missionaries. And we have a 4 missionary district, the 4
missionaries in Villa Gonzalez.
Thanks for all you do. I love you all, and hope you keep working hard!
Dallin Murphy
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Week 1 of 2014- January 8, 2014
MAN the Lord is way too nice to us. I will explain why I say that in a
second. But wow austin DOING WORK IN THE FREEZE what a guy. I hope
people realize what he does for this work. But for those people who told
my mom that I looked burnt in the picutures, thanks... now I am going
to get the sunscreen talk AGAIN. HAHA just kidding, but really I dont
get sunburnt. Ive gotten burnt like 2 times here, I am just a nice dark
version of what you all know. Just turning into a true Dominican!
that would mean I would be near Santiago, you never know with these
transfer things. I am just taking advantage of the good time I have in
Villa Gonzalez. We had the branch council meeting, and the Branch
President said ¨look everyone, I know that there were many people here
on their knees PRAYING that Elder Murphy would stay. Take advantage of
it! work with the missionaries!¨ and that made me feel good to know that
they think of me that way.
But man, the Lord helped us A LOT. We found
Ambioris, an AWESOME guy, once again after not finding him for 6 weeks.
He came to church, hes reading a lot in the Book of Mormon, he is really
working hard to come closer to Christ. Also, Juan Luis came to church,
and also Lin. But one AWESOME thing was when I was up to give my
testimony, this less active lady and her son came in, Rosy and Wilson. I
WAS SO HAPPY I almost couldnt control breaking out in a HUGE smile. And
I kind of did. And she liked it a lot, and now wants her kids to get
baptized! Wow! and they want to too! The Lord really places people in
our way.
Chelo didnt come to church, so we had to reschedule
his baptism until the 25th. It is ok, he is fine with that. He really
rocks, and is really ready. We wont postpone again.
Monday, we went out at 10am
to get to work. A lot of missionaries dont even go out at 10 because in
the morning it is hard to find people. But we do what the Lord says and
we went out. We stopped at a 3 way intersection and I asked Elder
Villanueva which way we should go. He said left. We walked up a street
we had tracted on like 6 times, and just began walking. I saw a guy
sitting in his seat, and we passed his house. I said ¨Lets go back¨ so
we talked to him. LESS ACTIVE MEMBER! He expressed his real desire to
change and put forward a plea for help. We are going to do all we can.
But yeah, it was a cool little miracle.
But, it was a great week. I enjoy every minute and my testimony is growing so much. Villa Gonzalez is great.
Love you all, keep it up!
Elder Murphy
p.s. If anyone wants to see the cutest christmas
card, look at Alyse and Tommy Leininger´s. I now have that in my
scriptures to show people because MY GOODNESS HOW CAYUTE!!
Thursday, January 2, 2014
New Year, New Me!- January 2, 2014
WES THE BIG MAN! Way to go! What an example to the rest of us of how to take advantage of what time we have.
was a lot of fun to talk to the family on last wednesday. Sorry to all
my anxious followers of every email I send, I didnt have time to email
last week. And yesterday was New Years, and literally zero people work
on those days so we couldnt find an internet center open. But now I am
The Noche buena was a magical event, it is the
big food day on the 24th of december. Wow I ate a lot. Moro de
guandules, ensalada rusa, puerco asado, pollo asado, ensalada verde,
uvas, manzanas MMMMMM! It was so good. I am gaining weight but I still
look fine.
Transfers came and went, and Elder Villanueva and I
are still together in Villa Gonzalez! Now since I am here still, there
is a chance I will be here for even longer and Elder Villanueva leaves
after this one. But we will see.
Chelo didnt feel quite ready for baptism this last saturday, so we changed his date to the 11th of January. He is stoked now and everything looks good! But on Saturday
I had the opportunity of baptizing 2 kids, Anny and Oscar UreƱa, who
were taught by the sisters. It was a lot of fun, a really awesome
experience, and the spirit was felt. I had the other grand opportunity
of confirming them the next day in church, and it was just a great
spiritual weekend for me.
Chelo was at church, like usual, but also a man
named Juan Luis was there. He was a reference from Cien Fuegos, another
ward in our stake, and we never were able to visit him. But we called
him and he came to church! He is a really great guy, hungry to learn and
get closer to his Heavenly Father. I feel so blessed that the Lord puts
such prepared people in our paths, and trusts us to teach them and help
them realize their potential as His children. Also, Nene (no knee knee
mom..) ´s mom came to church! She was a really strong member back in the
day, like 6 years ago, she went through the temple and all. But she has
lost her way a little, but she is improving a lot and she likes me a
lot HAHA when I told her I may be leaving she said ¨no! It is going to
be Villanueva! I know it!¨ but its all good, she came and she is trying
to make changes necessary to her life once again to return to where she
was before.

That was basically the week. We are working really
hard and we are going to have a really successful transfer together here
in Villa Gonzalez, if this is my last here I am going to go out with a
bang. If now, I am going to only top this transfer with the next.
The scriptures are too good, I feel so blessed to
have them in my life in which I can learn more and more how to become
like Christ. Obedience creates disciples. Nothing else.
Thanks for all you do!
DOESNT KNOW WHATS GOING TO HIT THEM! Wow i couldnt think of a better
man for the job.
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