WES THE BIG MAN! Way to go! What an example to the rest of us of how to take advantage of what time we have.
was a lot of fun to talk to the family on last wednesday. Sorry to all
my anxious followers of every email I send, I didnt have time to email
last week. And yesterday was New Years, and literally zero people work
on those days so we couldnt find an internet center open. But now I am
The Noche buena was a magical event, it is the
big food day on the 24th of december. Wow I ate a lot. Moro de
guandules, ensalada rusa, puerco asado, pollo asado, ensalada verde,
uvas, manzanas MMMMMM! It was so good. I am gaining weight but I still
look fine.
Transfers came and went, and Elder Villanueva and I
are still together in Villa Gonzalez! Now since I am here still, there
is a chance I will be here for even longer and Elder Villanueva leaves
after this one. But we will see.
Chelo didnt feel quite ready for baptism this last saturday, so we changed his date to the 11th of January. He is stoked now and everything looks good! But on Saturday
I had the opportunity of baptizing 2 kids, Anny and Oscar Ureña, who
were taught by the sisters. It was a lot of fun, a really awesome
experience, and the spirit was felt. I had the other grand opportunity
of confirming them the next day in church, and it was just a great
spiritual weekend for me.
Chelo was at church, like usual, but also a man
named Juan Luis was there. He was a reference from Cien Fuegos, another
ward in our stake, and we never were able to visit him. But we called
him and he came to church! He is a really great guy, hungry to learn and
get closer to his Heavenly Father. I feel so blessed that the Lord puts
such prepared people in our paths, and trusts us to teach them and help
them realize their potential as His children. Also, Nene (no knee knee
mom..) ´s mom came to church! She was a really strong member back in the
day, like 6 years ago, she went through the temple and all. But she has
lost her way a little, but she is improving a lot and she likes me a
lot HAHA when I told her I may be leaving she said ¨no! It is going to
be Villanueva! I know it!¨ but its all good, she came and she is trying
to make changes necessary to her life once again to return to where she
was before.

That was basically the week. We are working really
hard and we are going to have a really successful transfer together here
in Villa Gonzalez, if this is my last here I am going to go out with a
bang. If now, I am going to only top this transfer with the next.
The scriptures are too good, I feel so blessed to
have them in my life in which I can learn more and more how to become
like Christ. Obedience creates disciples. Nothing else.
Thanks for all you do!
DOESNT KNOW WHATS GOING TO HIT THEM! Wow i couldnt think of a better
man for the job.
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