So today was transfer day, and I am still here in Bella Vista with Elder Herrera!! We are working really hard here and loving the work in Bella Vista, even though we are different people we work together to make the best of what we have. Yesterday we were able to go out and help some of the new missionaries go and give out Book of Mormons, and I went with Elder Dickson from Logan, UT. It was a lot of fun, and pretty crazy to see how he is brand new and already sees me as an old missionary. Something pretty cool is that today when Elder Torres, who lives in our same house, recieved his new companion that we will train, it was Elder Dickson!! What a good guy.
Wow, what a week. The Lord is blessing us much more than we deserve, he is just leading us and doing all that he can so that the work progresses in Bella Vista. While we can always improve, I am loving life and little by little I know we will improve.
There is this less active member named Yudi, who is the wife of the Sunday School President in the ward, and she has a really sad story. She has a lot of doubts about a lot of things, and it can be owed like 80% to her father, who is also a less active member. He talks super bad about the church now, goes to another church, and just does EVERYTHING possible to tear down the testimony of his daughter. He went to the temple, has the priesthood, and just is confused about a lot of stuff. But we have shared with her a few times and really she just needs to learn to defend herself spiritually. We talked about Ephesians 6 and how in life, to defend our testimony, we need to defend ourselves against 2 forces. The people who talk bad, and Satan who reminds us and puts stuff in all places about the church. It was a neat experience, seeing that I had never thought of this before but it just came out. I explained about the armour of God and how there are 5 things that we need to put on to defend and 1 to attack. The sword of THE SPIRIT!! And then we learned together that the way to draw the spirit of truth to a conversation is through Testifying. So then we were able to talk about HOW to testify to these 2 groups of advesaries. 1. We just have to be willing to talk! We cannot just sit back. Now, we dont argue, or bash, but we can defend and testify then leave them to argue with themselves. That one is a lot easier. But the 2nd group, or Satan, is a little bit harder. Satan works hard, and the way that we can testify to him is through our works. We need to ALWAYS pray, always read the scriptures, and ALWAYS GO TO CHURCH EVERY WEEK TO TAKE THE SACRAMENT!! It is the only way to testify to him with the spirit. There are other ways, but those are the 3 most important. If we do it, he cannot deny our testimony. He wont quit, but we cant either!
It is something hard to see. The willingness of some people to TEAR down what people love. What they say confuses us in the head but if we have recieved our answer in our hearts, we will be good. We have to remember that moment!
I love you all. I know that this church is true and that CHRIST LIVES!!
Elder Dallin Murphy
1. Last Pday, we went to a waterfall! This is the river on the way, with Elder Herrera and Elder Stegelmeier (from Tuella, Utah)
2. Elder Hardy! Elder Madsen Murphy´s best bud!
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