So in this mission, we have a different
form of announcing transfers. We get an email with all of the changes in
the mission, and we print it out and go to do a zone meeting with the
zone and we announce it! Yesterday we printed out the transfers and...
there were only 2 changes!! And both of them were in the same branch, La
Herradura. So the rest of the zone got changed. But it was all good.
That means that I have at least 6 more weeks here in the wonderful world
of Bella Vista with my great companion!
the zone meeting yesterday I got to talk about the atonement. There is
an example that President Muir once did, with donuts and pushups. You
all can look up the donuts and pushups on youtube if you want to
understand it more, i think its there. but I loved it and Elder
Santacruz from Arizona did a bunch of pushups in order for every
missionary to have a cookie. A good cookie. Then I compared it to the
atonement in D&C 19:16-17 and it really makes a lot of sense. He
gives us the chance. He did his part. Now it depends on us! we have to
quit complaining and just work! How are we going to tell Him to his face
when we go before him and he asks why we didnt do everything we could?
The mission is great, and I love it. It is just sad to see a lot of
missionaries who just waste their time! Who simply do 50% of what they
can. I need to be more humble and love them more, but I am also here to
help motivate and help them to become the best servants of the Lord

week we didnt have too many people in church, but WOW people are going
well. Especially Henry and Gabriela (see last email). Gabriela is taking
notes every single lesson with a notebook on her Book of Mormon reading
and says that she really likes it! We are working with them to get
married and her to get baptized on the 28th of February!
is good here. Not much is happening, just that we are happy and working
hard. It is crazy to see how fast time runs but we just need to walk
faster and work harder because this is the only time life will be so
centered on the Savior.
Love you all!!
Elder Murphy!
Look at the lunch my companion and I made for us two! RICE SPAGETTI AND GUANDULES GUISADOS
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